Singing Guide: Audra McDonald

Singing Guide: Audra McDonald

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Audra Ann McDonald

Audra Ann McDonald is an actress and singer born on July 3, 1970. She is one of the few performers to have won five Tony Awards and is the first woman to win a Tony in all four acting categories. She is praised for her impeccable voice with a wide range and rich vibrato.

Learning Audra McDonald's Vocal Technique

Audra McDonald's unique vocal technique is characterized by a strong and diverse voice range, excellent timing, and a rich vibrato. To learn her singing technique, you need to work on specific skill sets. Here are some practical tips to get you started:

  • Vocal Range and Tone

    Audra McDonald has an enormous vocal range that spans from an alto-soprano to a mezzo-soprano. To build your range and tone, you can start with Singing Carrots' vocal range test. This test is designed to guide you on what works for your vocal range and what doesn't. Additionally, learning how to sustain a healthy vocal tone is key to mastering McDonald's singing style. Here's an article on Voice Health and Breath Support to help you get started.

  • Melodic and Rhythmic Infallibility

    Another aspect of McDonald's vocal technique is her ability to sing with infallible timing and rhythm. You can achieve this level of precision by practicing vocal warm-ups and exercises with Singing Carrots' Pitch Training. This training is geared to help you improve your pitch accuracy, timing, and melody recognition. Here, also are exercises with reference to videos: Twang, Growling, Vocal Vibrato Bounce, Farinelli Breathing.

  • Articulation and Diction

    Audra's intonation and phrasing are hallmarks of her vocal technique, as she tells a story in each note she sings. You can emulate this by practicing with Singing Carrots' Articulation exercises. These exercises will guide you on the correct mouth position, tongue, and lip movements and help you master Audra's diction and delivery.

  • Repertoire

    Audra McDonald has an impressive repertoire of musicals, operas, and standards. It's crucial to select songs that highlight your range and style, similar to McDonald's performance standards. Singing Carrots' song search feature can help you find songs that suit your range, difficulty, and genre preference. Additionally, you can look up McDonald's performances and watch her sing to see which songs and styles resonate with you.

Emulating Audra McDonald's vocal technique requires dedication, practice, and focus. You can begin by working on your vocal range and tone, practicing warm-ups and exercises, mastering your diction, and selecting the right repertoire. We hope the articles, videos, and exercises in this post will help you achieve your singing goals, and remember to have fun!

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Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.